Failed when trying to bench init frappe-bench version 14

Hello i am trying to install ERPNext v14 and while i am tring to install frappe-bench v14 i got this error

I am using ubuntu 18 and when i am trying to install python 3.10 i got some error and fixed it with this guide :

Please help me, thank you

try without branch version number,
bench init frappe-bench

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you will need python v3.10 or higher and nodejs v14+ to install erpnext v14

Using erpnext v14 using ubuntu 18.04 is a mistake

I updated my ubuntu tu 22.04 and it goes normally. anyone happen to come to this problem can try this. u can try to manual update each dependencies but it might need a lot of changing. I have updated the mariadb then the other need manual update too and it is really tiring. I recommend using ubuntu 22.04