Fashion store: Customized products scenario

Hi ERPNext forum members, I am downloading ERPNext now and I would like to ask you some questions in advance. We are opening a store where we will design cloth. We have for instance base dresses (like templates) and according to the client needs we add accessories or change a little the design. Also we will rent jewelry. In these sense, these are my questions:

  1. With ERPNext I can have a product template and add attributes like more fabric or accessories and then calculate the new price according to the changes?

  2. Can I mark a product to be sold or rented and depending my selection to print a specific invoice and also for accounting purpose, to ask reports depending if the product was sold or rented?

Thanks in advance

Every variant is a new Item, you can set a separate Item Price for it.[quote=“Learner, post:1, topic:19760”]
Can I mark a product to be sold or rented and depending my selection to print a specific invoice and also for accounting purpose, to ask reports depending if the product was sold or rented?

I don’t think that is available out of the box.

Thanks for the response. Is it possible to add items to an invoice for instance fabric, lace, buttons, but just print one item with the name Dress?