[WIP]: Kanban view for Frappe

Ok cool. After changing the permissions it got working.

But I’m not sure about the usage

This is what I’m getting, anything missing ?

The “Board” doc is a setup for the page. The field name and option need to be a field from the doctype you select and a valid option, so that the column can select all documents that match.

Set it up with just one column and no filters and navigate to the page and you should see!

(moving cards back and forth is not complete yet, that’s all!)

That would make a strange kanban, i guess you mean drag n drop, right?

Yep, drag/drop functionality isn’t there yet. I can build it just need to find time. It’s more just stringing it together with Frappe in a way that’s generic enough for every doc…easy for just changing statuses, hard for moving between different doctypes (lead-> opportunity).


@alec_ruizramon1 I just retried your app in fresh production VM and still shows nothing when I open “Lead Pipeline” after I setup everything. its just blank page. But I have to mention nam install threw the following error

maybe there’s compatibility problem or outdated dependencies in package.json , and btw I’ve latest Nodejs and npm installed in the machine

The dependencies are fine - you need to add an entry in the Board doctype attached to the Lead Pipeline page. Specifiy which columns you want to see (i.e. doctype Lead with field Status and value Open, then some fields for the card).

See here (replace crm-board with lead-pipeline):

This is exactly what I’ve been doing, but no luck still get balance page when open lead-pipline and now errors shows in the terminal. When I’ve time tomorrow I’ll look deeper in it to say what is this happening. Thanks for the help

Sure, would love to see the errors - would help me figure out how to help!

I’ve been swamped lately but will try to create a basic generator for doctypes. This could expand right into a view like Calendar, etc.


@alec_ruizramon1 I did the exact same but where can I see Kanban view?

The Board doctype has a link field to a page. The page lead-pipeline is provided, so link it to that. This is important - there is glue code to load the javascript bundle in that page.

After that, go to your-domain.com/desk#lead-pipeline

I am getting this on hitting the url.

In the board doctype, there is a link field to the page you’d like to use. What is that linked to?

Is this is what you are asking about ?


That’s the field you use to select which page loads the board. So, when you create your board, link it to lead-pipeline. The page should exist, it gets installed with the app.

See the first image here, replace crm-board with lead-pipeline:

I think I already did that. Is there any mistake in this ?

I think the page name should be lead-pipeline vs Lead Pipeline…either that, or try desk#Lead%20Pipeline (if the page has the space in the name).

You can also navigate to the page’s document view (use the link field) and make sure it’s named properly there.

Yes I also reached to that conclusion but when I changed the code according to that. i.e. lead-pipeline → Lead Pipeline. I am unable to find the definition of load_my_kanban(r.message).

So sorry about that - i hadn’t pushed up a fix for that. Replace load_my_kanban with loadKanban.

I’m pushing up a fix right now as well.

I’ve been absolutely swamped and haven’t had enough time to take care of this project - ideally I can find time in the next month or so to get a basic working release done.

Thank you so much. :slight_smile: Finally I got to see the view.

:+1: awesome!

If the community comes up with a wish-list I can figure out time to work on it! Could be a file in the repo or bountysource etc.

Some of the first features that need to be built are as follows:

  1. Drag/drop functionality for single-doctype views
  2. Generic views accessible from the list view
  3. “Glue code” auto-generation for pages (any page referenced by a Board should have the glue code)
  4. Query speed improvements
  5. Socketio communications for docs on the board