I have a Parent Doctype called Forwarder with child Doctype Business Authorisation
I am trying to fetch Business Name
from Business Authorisation child doctype to Transaction Doctype using a custom script. Instead, only the name appears in the dropdown.
This is my custom script
frappe.ui.form.on('Transaction', {
refresh: function(frm) {
frm.set_query("business", function(frm, cdt, cdn) {
return {
filters: [
["parent", "=", frm.forwarder],
["year", "in", [2020, 2021]]
There is no option to set search field
in Business Authorisation child doctype
Please assist.
Try changing the child doctypes name-saving to field:business? Note that it will make the business field in the child table as unique
Thanks for the response.
The issue here is when you add a new row with the same business but a different year, the row doesn’t become unique anymore because you would have 2 rows with the same primary key and the system throws an error message.
try adding a fetch to the link field. i.e: field_business_name. replace field with the fieldname of your link field
I would like to get data from Child table to Doctype like this :
Child Doctype : Purchase Receipt Item
Custom field : Batch Origin
Doctype : Batch
Custon field : Origin
Could someone help me?
Do you want to copy this field value when creating a new batch from the Purchase Receipt screen ?
The batch is automatically created when I submit the Purchase Receipt. I want the field “Origin” in the Batch DocType to have the same value as “Batch Origin” in Purchase Receipt DocType when it is automatically created.