Fetch data from sales invoice doctype to payment entry reference doctype

I have a doctype called payment entry reference is a child doctype and payment entry is a parent doctype. in payment entry reference doctype i want add 3 fields from sales invoice doctype to payment entry reference. fields are 1.Total (Company Currency) 2.Rounded Total (Company Currency) and 3.Additional Discount Amount. please give me the suggestions.


  1. if sales invoice link field is available in payment entry refrence doctype then you can do it using fetch from.
  2. suppose sales invoice field name is sales_invoice in your payment entry refrence doctype then add sales_invoice.total in fetch from in total field in payment entry refrence doctype.same for other two fields

Sales invoice link field is not available in payment entry reference doctype.

@D_Haritha i need one field which linked with sales invoice doctype so when i select sales invoice this three field automatically fetch data from sales invoice if fetch from is added in this fields.

why are you added sales invoice in fields options

3 fields fetch data from sales invoice doctype. so in option field i added sales invoice doctype.

there is no need for add sales invoice in options.you have to add fetch from for that

refer this How does the "Fetch From" in Doctype Custom Field work?

sales invoice field is not linked to the payment entry reference dotype.where i can fetch data from sales invoice to payment entry reference. is it possible to client script for this issue.

@D_Haritha add refer this Cur_frm.add_fetch