Fetch Purchase Receipt from Purhcase Order


I Build a report to show The purchase order (Draft and submit) time, and to be a full report I need to fetch the Purchase Receipt name if the Purchase Order has Purchase receipt.

That PO has To Bill status, I need to show the purchase receipt name

Hi @Omar_Mohammed,

Here we created the query report according to your scenario.
Please check it.


    po.name AS "Purchase Order:Link/Purchase Order:200",
    po.transaction_date AS "Purchase Order Date:Date:150",
    po.status AS "Status:Data:150",
    GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT pr.name ORDER BY pr.posting_date DESC SEPARATOR ', ') AS "Purchase Receipts:Data:400",
    GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT pr.posting_date ORDER BY pr.posting_date DESC SEPARATOR ', ') AS "Purchase Receipt Dates:Data:200"
    `tabPurchase Order` po
    `tabPurchase Receipt Item` pri ON po.name = pri.purchase_order
    `tabPurchase Receipt` pr ON pri.parent = pr.name
    po.docstatus < 2
    po.name, po.transaction_date, po.status
    po.name DESC


Please set your query in your report according to.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!

1 Like

Thank you so much for your solution is very useful.

I use this query report

    v.docname AS "Purchase Order:Link/Purchase Order:180",
    po.status AS "PO Status:Data:80",
    po.owner AS "Created By:Link/User:170",
    po.creation AS "Created Time::200",
    v.owner AS "Submitted By:Link/User:150", 
    v.creation AS "Submitted Time::180",
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, po.creation, v.creation) AS "Time Difference (Minutes)"
FROM `tabPurchase Order` po
INNER JOIN `tabVersion` v ON po.name = v.docname
    v.ref_doctype = 'Purchase Order'
    AND v.data REGEXP '"status",\\s*"Draft",\\s*"To Receive and Bill"'
    AND v.creation BETWEEN %(from)s AND %(to)s

because the purpose of this report is to show the Dealy time in (minutes) from

  • draft PO (time)
  • submit PO (time)
  • draft PR (time)
  • submit PR (time)

Thank you again for reply

Hi @Omar_Mohammed,

Please apply it.

    v.docname AS "Purchase Order:Link/Purchase Order:180",
    po.status AS "PO Status:Data:80",
    po.owner AS "Created By:Link/User:170",
    po.creation AS "Created Time::200",
    v.owner AS "Submitted By:Link/User:150", 
    v.creation AS "Submitted Time::Datetime:180",
    MIN(pr.creation) AS "PR Draft Time:Datetime:180",
    MAX(pr.creation) AS "PR Submitted Time:Datetime:180",
    MIN(CASE WHEN pr.docstatus=0 THEN pr.name ELSE NULL END) AS "Draft PR:Link/Purchase Receipt:200",
    MAX(CASE WHEN pr.docstatus=1 THEN pr.name ELSE NULL END) AS "Submitted PR:Link/Purchase Receipt:200",
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, po.creation, v.creation) AS "PO Processing Time (Minutes)",
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, MIN(pr.creation), MAX(pr.creation)) AS "PR Processing Time (Minutes)"
FROM `tabPurchase Order` po
INNER JOIN `tabVersion` v ON po.name = v.docname
LEFT JOIN `tabPurchase Receipt` pr ON po.name = pr.purchase_order
    v.ref_doctype = 'Purchase Order'
    AND v.data REGEXP '"status",\\s*"Draft",\\s*"To Receive and Bill"'
    AND v.creation BETWEEN %(from)s AND %(to)s
GROUP BY v.docname, po.status, po.owner, po.creation, v.owner, v.creation
ORDER BY v.docname DESC

Thank You!


Thank you so much.

Dear NCP:

Check this:


dear Nihantra,

I need your support to fetch the right submit time pr, because as below image is the same time, and this time is created time

    v.docname AS "Purchase Order:Link/Purchase Order:180",
    po.status AS "PO Status:Data:80",
    po.owner AS "Created By:Link/User:170",
    po.creation AS "Created Time::200",
    v.owner AS "Submitted By:Link/User:150", 
    v.creation AS "Submitted Time::Datetime:180",
    MIN(pr.creation) AS "PR Draft Time:Datetime:180",
    MAX(pr.creation) AS "PR Submitted Time:Datetime:180",
    pr.owner as "PR created by",
    MIN(CASE WHEN pr.docstatus=0 THEN pr.name ELSE NULL END) AS "Draft PR:Link/Purchase Receipt:200",
    MAX(CASE WHEN pr.docstatus=1 THEN pr.name ELSE NULL END) AS "Submitted PR:Link/Purchase Receipt:200",
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, po.creation, v.creation) AS "PO Processing Time (Minutes)",
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, MIN(pr.creation), MAX(pr.creation)) AS "PR Processing Time (Minutes)"
FROM `tabPurchase Order` po
INNER JOIN `tabVersion` v ON po.name = v.docname
    `tabPurchase Receipt Item` pri ON po.name = pri.purchase_order
    `tabPurchase Receipt` pr ON pri.parent = pr.name
    v.ref_doctype = 'Purchase Order'
    AND v.data REGEXP '"status",\\s*"Draft",\\s*"To Receive and Bill"'
    AND v.creation BETWEEN %(from)s AND %(to)s
    AND po.set_warehouse = %(warehouse)s
GROUP BY v.docname, po.status, po.owner, po.creation, v.owner, v.creation
ORDER BY v.docname DESC

Hmm :thinking:,

Try it.

        SELECT MIN(pr.creation)
        FROM `tabPurchase Receipt` pr
        WHERE po.name = pr.purchase_order
        AND pr.docstatus = 1
    ), (
        SELECT MAX(pr.creation)
        FROM `tabPurchase Receipt` pr
        WHERE po.name = pr.purchase_order
        AND pr.docstatus = 1
    )) AS "PR Processing Time (Minutes)"
1 Like

unfortunately :slightly_frowning_face:, is still same wrong number, I think just one column if we solved it will solve all thing the column is PR submitted Time @NCP

Again try it @Omar_Mohammed,

    v.docname AS "Purchase Order:Link/Purchase Order:180",
    po.status AS "PO Status:Data:80",
    po.owner AS "Created By:Link/User:170",
    po.creation AS "Created Time::200",
    v.owner AS "Submitted By:Link/User:150", 
    v.creation AS "Submitted Time:Datetime:180",
        SELECT MIN(pr.creation)
        FROM `tabPurchase Receipt` pr
        WHERE po.name = pr.purchase_order
        AND pr.docstatus = 1
    ) AS "PR Draft Time:Datetime:180",
        SELECT MAX(pr.creation)
        FROM `tabPurchase Receipt` pr
        WHERE po.name = pr.purchase_order
        AND pr.docstatus = 1
    ) AS "PR Submitted Time:Datetime:180",
    MIN(CASE WHEN pr.docstatus=0 THEN pr.name ELSE NULL END) AS "Draft PR:Link/Purchase Receipt:200",
    MAX(CASE WHEN pr.docstatus=1 THEN pr.name ELSE NULL END) AS "Submitted PR:Link/Purchase Receipt:200",
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, po.creation, v.creation) AS "PO Processing Time (Minutes)",
        SELECT MIN(pr.creation)
        FROM `tabPurchase Receipt` pr
        WHERE po.name = pr.purchase_order
        AND pr.docstatus = 1
    ), (
        SELECT MAX(pr.creation)
        FROM `tabPurchase Receipt` pr
        WHERE po.name = pr.purchase_order
        AND pr.docstatus = 1
    )) AS "PR Processing Time (Minutes)"
FROM `tabPurchase Order` po
INNER JOIN `tabVersion` v ON po.name = v.docname
LEFT JOIN `tabPurchase Receipt` pr ON po.name = pr.purchase_order
    v.ref_doctype = 'Purchase Order'
    AND v.data REGEXP '"status",\\s*"Draft",\\s*"To Receive and Bill"'
    AND v.creation BETWEEN %(from)s AND %(to)s
GROUP BY v.docname, po.status, po.owner, po.creation, v.owner, v.creation
ORDER BY v.docname DESC

Thank You!

Sorry @NCP still is show the wrong time for submit, because when use


Because I need to be more specific with Submit Time such as I do in Purchase Order I use Version doctype