Field Customisation - set No Copy on Standard fields

Hi All,

Is there a way to set the “No Copy” attribute on a standard (non-custom) field in a form? We duplicate Sales Orders on a regular basis for repeat orders by a customer and the Customer Purchase Order number will vary on each order so we don’t want it to copy across.

Is there a way to do this through Customize Form or would it need to be a client side script?


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There is “No Copy” option for standard fields from within doctype under Display section of the field.

So there is. Thanks @KanchanChauhan, but I can’t seem to edit it.

Is there something I need to enable elsewhere to be able to get those options selectable?

Are you the Administrator?

No, I’m not able to be role Administrator as we are cloud hosted. Does this mean I won’t be able to set standard fields to no copy?

yes, only the admin can edit. And I think you need to be in developer mode, must edit it in your local first and then commit-push it

@monojoker not possible at the moment. You can raise a feature request.

Would this be possible via a pull request as someone has suggested?

@monojoker if you can develop the feature into customize forms and send across ; we would be happy to merge it !

I’ve tried with the ERPNext 12.5.2 and we still can’t select a field as “No Copy” in the customize form in the production server when logged in as admin. Also, I can’t change it in the development environment via DocType form.


“Custom Field” has “No Copy” attribute.


Thanks @Francisco_Buendia I came here just to share this update