Hi Team,
I have a field called bank_ac_no where bank account number is filled and another field called confirm_bank_account where we need to revalidate the account number. Now i need a code where bank_ac_no should be masked while typing and confirm_bank_account should be validated with bank_ac_no while saving employee doctype in frappe
Here i have used custom field to store the value temporarily. However i am getting error while validating.
Here is the code which i am using. Kindly help me out in validation.
frappe.ui.form.on(‘Employee’, {
before_save: function(frm) {
// Set the masked value to the custom field
frm.set_value(‘custom_unmasked_bank_ac_no_’, frm.unmaskedValue);
// Validation for matching account numbers
if (frm.unmaskedValue && frm.doc.confirm_bank_account &&
frm.unmaskedValue !== frm.doc.confirm_bank_account) {
frappe.msgprint(__("Account numbers do not match. Please re-enter."));
frappe.validated = false;
refresh: function(frm) {
// Get the bank_ac_no field
var bankAcNoField = frm.fields_dict['bank_ac_no'];
var confirmBankAcField = frm.fields_dict['confirm_bank_account'];
// Attach the oninput event to the bank_ac_no field for masking
if (bankAcNoField) {
bankAcNoField.$input.on('input', function() {
// Set the unmasked value to the variable
frm.unmaskedValue = bankAcNoField.get_value();
// Mask the complete bank_ac_no as the user types (replace with your masking logic)
var maskedValue = maskCompleteBankAcNo(frm.unmaskedValue);
// Set the masked value back to the field
// Attach the oninput event to the confirm_bank_account field
if (confirmBankAcField) {
confirmBankAcField.$input.on('input', function() {
// You can add additional logic here if needed
// Custom function to mask the complete bank_ac_no (replace with your logic)
function maskCompleteBankAcNo(bankAcNo) {
// Implement your masking logic here (e.g., replace with asterisks)
// This example replaces all characters with asterisks
return ‘*’.repeat(bankAcNo.length);