Field sales_order is not selectable. Can't see multiple Lists (Sales Invoice, Material Request, Delivery Note, ...)


After updating to the last version I got the following message “Field sales_order is not selectable” or “Field against_sales_order is not selectable” and I can’t see the Lists Sales Invoice, Material Request and Delivery Note. However I can see all the documents with a report.

Also when login with the Administrator user I don’t have any issue.


You will have to remove those doctypes with filters from __UserSettings,
go to bench mysql and type,
DELETE from `__UserSettings` where doctype in ('Sales Invoice', 'Material Request', 'Delivery Note') and user = 'set_your_user_here';

Thanks for the fast response @shreya115.

This has solved the problem for Material Request and Delivery Note, but still having the issue with Sales Invoice.

Can you execute this query and post the screenshot here?
SELECT doctype from `__UserSettings` where user = 'set_your_user_here';

| doctype |
| Address |
| Communication |
| Custom Field |
| Customer |
| Delivery Note |
| DocType |
| Error Log |
| Fiscal Year |
| GL Entry |
| Global Defaults |
| Issue |
| Item |
| Journal Entry |
| Kanban Board |
| Material Request |
| Payment Entry |
| Payment Request |
| Production Order |
| Project |
| Purchase Invoice |
| Purchase Receipt |
| Quotation |
| Sales Invoice |
| Sales Order |
| Stock Entry |
| ToDo |
| User |

After performing DELETE from __UserSettings where doctype in (‘Sales Invoice’, ‘Material Request’, ‘Delivery Note’) and user = ‘set_your_user_here’;

This is the result:

| doctype |
| Address |
| Communication |
| Custom Field |
| Customer |
| DocType |
| Error Log |
| Fiscal Year |
| GL Entry |
| Global Defaults |
| Issue |
| Item |
| Journal Entry |
| Kanban Board |
| Payment Entry |
| Payment Request |
| Production Order |
| Project |
| Purchase Invoice |
| Purchase Receipt |
| Quotation |
| Sales Order |
| Stock Entry |
| ToDo |
| User |

But still same issue

What’s the error now, when you try to open Sales Invoice list?

Still same problem.

Give this a try,
DELETE from `__UserSettings` where doctype = 'Sales Order' and user = 'set_your_user_here';

Thanks @shreya115 but is not improving.

Is there any other table where filters are recorded?

Update: After removing the row this is what appears back after few minutes:

| set_your_user_here | Sales Invoice | {“Kanban”: {“order_by”: “tabSales Invoice.modified desc”, “filters”: []}, “fields”: [“tabSales”, “tabSales Invoice.posting_date”, “tabSales Invoice.base_net_total”, “tabSales Invoice.base_total_taxes_and_charges”, “tabSales Invoice.base_grand_total”, “tabSales Invoice.customer”, “tabSales Invoice.tax_id”, “tabSales Invoice.due_date”], “List”: {“order_by”: “tabSales Invoice.creation desc”, “filters”: [[“Sales Invoice Item”, "sales_order", “=”, “SO-2017-00146”]]}, “last_view”: “Report”, “Report”: {“fields”: [[“name”, “Sales Invoice”], [“docstatus”, “Sales Invoice”], [“title”, “Sales Invoice”], [“customer”, “Sales Invoice”], [“company”, “Sales Invoice”], [“mode_of_payment”, “Sales Invoice”], [“grand_total”, “Sales Invoice”], [“status”, “Sales Invoice”], [“currency”, “Sales Invoice”], [“customer_name”, “Sales Invoice”], [“base_grand_total”, “Sales Invoice”], [“outstanding_amount”, “Sales Invoice”], [“due_date”, “Sales Invoice”], [“is_return”, “Sales Invoice”]], “add_totals_row”: 0, “order_by”: “tabSales Invoice.modified desc”, “filters”: []}, “updated_on”: “Sat Jan 20 2018 19:45:28 GMT+0100”}