Field Sales Process (How to map?)

I would like to use ERPNEXT in order to manage door-to-door selling with a small business team.

The sales process should be as simple and costless as possible.

The sale person use his smartphone to order/invoice the customer while stocks, accounting and delivery should be done in a single step.

The payment would be done either by credit card or cheque/cash, still using the smartphone of the sale person.

I don’t know wich is the best alternative between using POS, Website or Desk.
Have you any suggestion?

I tried to test POS with credit card payment on a smartphone.
The display is correct in offline mode, except there are no images in item’s list.
When I click on pay button, I have a form with the right total amount in credit card field.
That’s ok.
When I click submit, I can print the invoice but I’m not rerouting in a paypal/strip form.
I didn’t find in the documentation how to configure this.
Any ideas?

Go to Mode of Payment. In card fill you company information and default account. Save it. In POS Profile link the card account.

Have you setup your Cards payment account in the Accounts module? It should work fine even if you dont have data connection.

Remember whenever you will log into ERPNext and then to POS you need to have working internet. After then POS will work even if connection is broken. It will sync every 3 minutes. Other modules will not work if connection is broken. Offline mode is only for POS that is of you are using Offline mode.

Thanks for your response. I’m working on another subject for the moment. I will check and give you feedback in a while.