File Upload Disconnected. Please try again. Upload for timesheet xlsx for Import failing on V11.x.x-develop

ERPNext: v11.x.x-develop (5899d98) (develop)
Frappe Framework: v11.x.x-develop (7249433) (develop)

xlsx file is 91360 bytes, even splitting it in 51169 and 51064 bytes results in same error.

“File Upload Disconnected. Please try again.”

Chrome Developer Tools Console is not showing any errors.

File size 26930 fails, success with 18786 byte file.


Are you by any chance using your site as ‘https://localhost:8000’ or so ?

If so, take a look here

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Currently I am evaluating so I am using http://192.168.x.y:8000/
Port 9000 is opened on 192.168.x.y

Good catch on hostname vs IP.
