Hi, everyone
How can i change/Hide these settings for a user when they are trying to upload an image ?
I want to set this as default by public and ticked on optimize, is that possible ?
Thank You
Hi, everyone
How can i change/Hide these settings for a user when they are trying to upload an image ?
I want to set this as default by public and ticked on optimize, is that possible ?
Thank You
@Jeel already set those, but how to hide the options of Private and Optimize ?
I want to mark optimize by default and hide the both options.
Thank You
@rs115199789 check frappe/frappe/public/js/frappe/file_uploader/FilePreview.vue at version-15 · frappe/frappe · GitHub
Oh, So i need to make changes in the core file ?
is there any other way? As i’m using erp hosted by Frappe cloud