Filter report for one or more value

Can anyone advise me how to Filter report for two customer’s data.

For eg. I want to see report of Sales Order for Two Customers - let’s say C1 & C2. How to select the same in filter for “customer” field?

@Deven_Shah , in the search column below the column head add “Customer 1|Customer 2” without "

@max_morais_dmm, Can you please elaborate your above comment?

When adding a filter the system asks 3 things:

  1. The field to be filtered
  2. The type of filtering (equals, not equals, like, not like, etc…), and
  3. The data to be filtered (eg. Customer1)

In the above scenario, the user selects:

  1. Field = Customer
  2. Type = equals
  3. data = Customer1|Customer2

This is what you mean?

At least in my system this doesn’t work


  1. Field = customer
  2. type = “in”
  3. data = [“Maxwell”, “NickMalef”]

Thanks mate, it worked great !!!

please what about filed <= data and field >= data , I do this filter like this but not work {“total_amount”: [“>=”, amountRange_from],“total_amount”: [“<=”, amountRange_to]}