Have done query directly on database and works as desired, but getting errors on script relating to formatting filters.
Here is section of code as tried:
frappe.call({ method: 'frappe.client.get_list', args: { doctype: 'Payment Entry', filters: { [“reference_date”, “LIKE”, curYearstr], 'party_name': frm.doc.party_name, 'docstatus': 1 }, fields: [ 'SUM(paid_amount) AS totalPaid', 'SUM(total_allocated_amount) AS totalAllocated' ], as_list: true, limit: 1, async: false }, callback: function (data) {...
Have also tried “reference_date”: [“LIKE”, curYearstr ],
Suggestions appreciated.
ERPNext: v12.12.1 (version-12)
Frappe Framework: v12.10.2 (version-12)