First Foundation supported Developer!

Hello all,

Please welcome Babatunde Akinyanmi @tundebabzy from Nigeria as the first foundation supported developer! Babatunde is a developer-accountant, a perfect combination for an ERP developer. He has already started working on Python 3 migration for Frappe & ERPNext.

Our second developer, @vishdha (based in India) will be joining us on 15th June!

With the kind of funds we have raised, the foundation will be able to support 4 developers.

A big thanks to all those who decided to be members, to make this happen!


@vishdha @tundebabzy congratulations and welcome!!

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Thank you very much


Very exciting! Welcome to the community!

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Welcome Tunde!

Thank you all

welcome @tundebabzy @vishdha

Thanks Guys

welcome @tundebabzy & @vishdha great to see things actually happen

The status of decision making being to hire 2 developers if I am not mistaken. So I guess there will be a discussion to be held on that matter?

hasn’t it been the plan to put those 2 developers on attacking the pile of open issues at first?

Welcome to the team! @tundebabzy @vishdha

Welcome @tundebabzy @vishdha

Congratulations @tundebabzy. Welcome aboard and here’s wishing you every success.



Thank you all

@tundebabzy @vishdha

You both are most welcome to the community.

Sure - hope to see you in the call later today!

Python3 has been on the list for a long time (in the frappe issue list). Also @tundebabzy had already started working on it and had sent contributions before he became foundation supported developer, so it makes sense for him to complete it.