Fiscal Year Update


May I ask if its still possible to update already running and existing Fiscal Year?

Thank you.

Hi @Hanna,
I think ,Fiscal Year can’t update .you can either create new or Delete(if it is not linked with any transaction) OR “Disable” Existing fiscal year.

they have connections already to transactions :frowning:


As correctly mentioned by Shraddha, you cannot edit Fiscal Year once transaction created for it. Can you share the use-case, so that we can support you better?

Hi Sir Umair,

What do you mean by use-case?
Thank you.

describe the issue u r struggling with

ah ok,
here’s the scenario, Fiscal years from 2014 up to present are already saved in the system. But recently one of the user asked if its possible to modify the date coverage. From Jan.1-Dec 31 to Jun. 1-May 31. Upon checking the Fiscal year module, date coverage are already disabled and not open for modification. I tried deleting them but as per the system its not possible because they are already connected to transactions.

Here is my problem, if I change the date coverage thru DB what are the possible consequences that I might encounter? and if its possible to change it directly to database?

Thank’s for your response :slight_smile:

Here is my problem, if I change the date coverage thru DB what are the possible consequences that I might encounter? and if its possible to change it directly to database?

Won’t suggest direct editing into DB as it can lead to data authenticity issues. It should be encouraged at all.

Perhaps you can create new Company and set it’s Fiscal Year as required.

do you mean the last resort for my problem is to start again from scratch? how about those already existing transactions?
Thank you :smile: