Font Color in erpnext should be dark

Hi, Everyone. I am new to development and erpnext. This product is great. Only issue is the font color. Can it be more dark…?

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I agree. This is a problem throughout the system and it is troublesome in areas where it is important to be able to populate a screen fast such as the POS module. We had to abandon the POS module after the update to version 8 because the cashiers were taking too long to use complete sales. We went back to the old manual cash registers and someone has to manually enter the results of the register tapes each night. The 6 days we tried to run the POS with the nearly impossible to read screens our sales dropped by 35% just because they could not see the screens well.

One of the developers must love this light grey, tiny fonts on white background because it is everywhere and it slows down data entry users.

We are already hunting for a contraactor to rewrite the module for us just to change the colors and fint sizes.


Why not just custom the css?
Or create a custom app with custom css.