Fontawesome in Frappe version 13

I’m building a webpage with Frappe (no ERPNext).
This webpage is the webpage template in the doctype (tick the Has Web View)
I want to use fontawesome icons. But the icons doesn’t display on the web page.
The element I use is the <i> tag, example:

<i class="fa-regular fa-angle-left"></i>

Does anybody knoiw if there is any change in Frappe that doesn’t allow to use fontawesome?
Or is it because no ERPNext installed?
Or anything else I should do?


Actually its included only in the desk and not in the web. I happened to notice it yesterday.

ah ok…
Because I believe I used it in version 12.

After checking the code there is fontawesome.css

Let me see if there is something change…

Don’t bother… just add it to hooks :smiley:

I added it to hooks
But It loaded the fontawesome.css file but not loading .woff2 files.
As a result I still can’t use fontawesome.