Forcing https behind reverse proxy

Hey guys.

This is weird, I have 2 instances of Frappe / Erpnext, one works perfectly, the other I’m struggling with a problem.

Both instances are v15 manual install.

On one https is working perfectly both on webhooks and wkhtmltopdf.

But there other instance quite the opposite.

I tried pretty much everything but I still get a connection error with wkhtmltopdf and webhooks only work with http.

Here is what I have tried:

changed site-config.json to include https on the host_name and added https to true.

tried :
bench setup nginx,
bench setup reload-nginx,
bench restart,
bench update --reset,
supervisorctl restart all,
service nginx reload,
bench set-url-root from to
bench update --production

By the way, SSL is provided by nginx proxy manager on both instances.

Anything else I can try?

Solved it.

Guys, Remember not to have same Hostname of the machine as the Domain you’re using on Frappe.