Foundation Fellowship

It is proposed to start a Foundation Fellowship for people that make significant contributions to ERPNext Foundation. Everybody please weigh in.

Foundation Fellowship:

Minimum 3 months of contribution on ERPNext.

Could be in any area. Examples:

  • Localising ERPNext to a country’s requirements
  • Enhancing existing modules
  • Creating new modules
  • Extending ERPNext to new industries, verticals
  • Growing the ERPNext userbase in a country, region.

A Foundation member has to propose name. Foundation Fellow Committee (Foundation Governance Council till the committee is formed) will decide on whether the person qualifies.

A Fellowship is a honorary position and may come with certain benefits as decided by the Foundation Fellow Committee.

It can be for contributions for which the person got paid, directly by the Foundation, or by the ERPNext ecosystem, stakeholders, service providers, users or user organizations.

Fellowship is for life.

Fellowship can be revoked by the Fellowship Committee for any reason.

Typical reasons (not a complete listing) for revoking Fellowship are:

  • Contributions were plagiarized from another ERPNext contributor
  • Fellow indulges in criminal or antisocial behavior
  • Fellow starts working against ERPNext interests and starts actively denouncing ERPNext in public and/or social forums.

+1 for the Fellowship initiative of ERPNext Foundation. I would like to recommend following community members for the fellowship.


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Sure! Can you please provide a quick synopsis of their contributions?




Revant was pretty active in making ERPNext GST compatible.

Max has made many contributions in Frappe as well as in ERPNext over the period. Also, he has been pretty active in support users over forum and Gitter chat.

Anoop (and team) has contributed ERPNext module for healthcare.

Ben has been active contributor in ERPNext.