Hi everyone,
I’ve been dealing with this issue since I tried to implement an event listener in my custom app. As I load the main page (even without clicking on any button which may trigger the script) I get the following sequence of warnings and errors:
jQuery.Deferred exception: frappe.boot is undefined init@http://192… first and after that
Hi @Bradley
If we look at Frappe before customization, we don’t get that error. So i think it’s must something related to what you changed.
So can you share your code? Because i think you got an error syntax or something like that.
You’re right @antzforwork, before customization there was no error. It’s a template I’m using as a base template por my .html pages, so I made it work by adding the following script:
frappe.boot = {
sysdefaults: {
float_precision: parseInt("3"),
date_format: "dd-mm-yyyy",
// for backward compatibility of some libs
frappe.sys_defaults = frappe.boot.sysdefaults;
Followed by that, I included the following scripts, which were already added when it wasn’t running properly: