Frappe Community Meet-up, Jakarta Indonesia 2024 ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ

Frappe and the official partner (Agile Technica) are hosting a meet-up for all Frappe and ERPNext enthusiasts in Indonesia. Join us for an interactive meet-up to share and learn with the Frappe community in Indonesia. I will be there to talk about Frappe products and services.

Venue, Date, Time

:round_pushpin:Venue: Agile Technica: UMN, New Media Tower Lv.11, Curug Sangereng, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency

:calendar: Date: September 12th

:clock9: Time: 05:00 PM

Why should you attend?

:earth_africa: Network with the Frappe and ERPNext community in Indonesia

:speech_balloon: Connect with local Frappe partner

:handshake: Meet and learn from the Frappe Team

:rocket: Learn more about Frappe, ERPNext, and hosting services from the experts

Registrations are open
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