Frappe CRM Customization: How to apply bulk updatefield calculation

Hello all, I have created a custom button to calculate probability value of Deal based on doc.probability and doc.custom_project_value with the result showing in doc.custom_probability_value.

async function setupForm({ doc, call, updateField, createToast, status }) {

    function updateProbabilityValue() {
        let revenue = doc.custom_project_revenue;
        let probability = doc.probability;
        let probabilityValue = revenue * probability / 100;

        // Update the custom probability value field
        updateField("custom_probability_value", probabilityValue);

    return {
        actions: [
                label: "Update Probability Value",
                onClick: updateProbabilityValue // Pass the function reference without invoking it

This currently work fine, but I want to make a button in the list to update all deal probability value in bulk. I have tried this code but it doesn’t seem to be working.

function setupList({ list }) {
    function updateProbabilityValue() {
                async ({list , selections, unselectAll, call}) => {
                    let docs = Array.from(list)
                    for (const doc of docs) {
                        //do calculation for each of Doc
                        let revenue = doc.custom_project_revenue;
                        let probability = doc.probability;
                        let probabilityValue = revenue * probability / 100;
                        let updated = await call('frappe.client.set_value', {
                            doctype: 'CRM Deal',
                            name: doc,
                            fieldname: 'custom_probability_value',
                            value: probabilityValue,
    return {
        actions: [
            label: "Update Probability Value",
            onClick: updateProbabilityValue
        bulk_actions: []

The button is showing though

Do anyone know how to make it a working code? thankyou!