Frappe & Custom Application

Hi , I am looking to make a Mobile application which would be the front end for my clients and would like to connect the same with ERP Next and some custom doc types. I understand this cannot be done though frappe cloud can somebody help me in this regard as in what steps is to be followed ?

Hi @Nsuregrowth:

You can build frontend web application (Vue, React, …) with Frappe/ERPNext backend and host it on Frappe Cloud. Create your own custom app and install it on your Frappe Cloud site.

Hope this helps.

Thank you so much for your response, is there any material/document/vidoes which would help me to understand the same. I am a non tech guy and this would help imensely

Hi @Nsuregrowth:

Check this (and all of Buildwithhussain’s content … )

Hope this helps.

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Thank you so much , Let me know if you get stuck anywhere would be happy to help, I come from a process improvement and Business background, have consulting experience of over a decade, would be glad if i could help you in anything :slight_smile:

Is there a away i can use nextjs like how react and vue have been used inside a custom app?

You can take a look at HRMS.
Then have created the mobile app as well in vue.js

Thank you