Frappe Docker Custom app override_whitelisted_methods not loaded

Somehow we manage to override whitelisted methods in the Frappe app in our development environment but when we build the custom-app wrapper container and deploy it it doesn’t seem to register that override.

the original code gets loaded.

 override_whitelisted_methods = {    
"frappe.event_streaming.doctype.event_consumer.event_consumer.register_consumer": "custom_app.event_streaming_overrides.register_consumer"

can you create a repo that reproduce your issue?

I’ll setup a git repo to be able to share that. Anyway will share the repo once it is setup.

By the way I followed that repo GitHub - castlecraft/custom_frappe_docker but installed two custom apps which should be ok as well .

What is also strange though I tried to build a stack based on a frappe fork and not bother much with the whitelisted override but still my fork code is not executed when the call is an API call made by the FrappeClient module from another instance.

I’m way confused about that.

With custom_frappe_docker as well as methods given in official frappe_docker the official frappe repo is used.

The base image built for frappe is from official repo. So If you use frappe/frappe-worker as your base image it’ll always give you official frappe.

You’ll have to build from frappe forks separately. Check these build-arg(s) how the feature review system does it.