Frappe / ERPNext Australasian Meet up. Tuesday 15 October 2024

Hi All

After some intestest in an AU/NZ meet up in the “honorary Aussie” topic I have scheduled an initial meet up. Details:

Date: Tuesday 15 October 2024
Time: 3:30 PM NZ time
Meeting Link:
Protocol: If at all possible please join with your camera on. At least for the introductions.
All welcome - if you are just curious about Frappe / ERP Next please do come along

@michelle from Frappe has kindly offered to meet with me after we have this meeting - I will collate insights we have on the Frappe presense in Australasia, and our feedback on how Frappe can help us

Rough agenda:

  • Introductions: A bit about ourselves, if / how we are using Frappe products.
  • Knowledge building / discussion. I am thinking initial topic “Hosting Frappe applications”. - I can share some learnings I’ve had on this.
    • please suggest topics - just reply and suggest any topic you wish
  • Insights and feedback for Frappe
  • Next steps / how we can support each other

Look forward to meeting as many of you who can come along!



Reminder: This is Tuesday next week.

Have a good week-end all
