Frappe framework 15 documentation using swagger


I’m currently running the Frappe Framework in Docker on my local machine for development purposes.

I need access to its API documentation to build a new frontend.

I would like to use Swagger for this documentation. I’ve attempted to set it up but encountered some issues. Could anyone provide guidance or instructions on how to configure Swagger for the Frappe Framework?

Hi @weldonet:

IDK if Swagger thing would be on the way. See this:

Meanwhile, check this amazing tool by @nikkothari22

Hope this helps.



Thanks for the info!

I hope they resolve this as soon as possible.
This documentation helps a lot, do you know how I can do it in the rest of the apps I’m going to create?

Hi @weldonet:

Commit is opensource

So, you can install on your side and it will do the magic for all your apps :slight_smile:

Hope this helps.


Hey @weldonet

We now support locally installed apps as well on commit. So you can install the app on your local development bench and it will show all APIs available in all apps installed on the same site.

We also support exporting those APIs to Bruno via .bru files (


I have created a script to generate swagger ui for custom REST API. Please look into it if it helps you

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