Frappe installation problem

hello all
i am installing erpnext on ubuntu 14.04 i created one directory under which i am installing. I am following instruction from following link.
GitHub - frappe/bench: CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
following commands run successfully
2.sudo bash
but when i tried to run init command

bench init frappe-bench && cd frappe-bench

it shows error message that frappe-bench already exists. so when i checked i found that my frappe-bench directory is creating under home directory rather than directory under which i want to create .

please help

you can find in /home/frappe . You will see Frappe-bench directory.

It’s not required anymore. If you don’t want to develop and want to use in production, run bench setup production as root and ERPNext will be running on port 80.

But i wanted to use this setup for development therefore i only used following command
sudo bash

also i have tried following commands
1.git clone GitHub - frappe/bench: CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps bench-repo
2. sudo pip install -e bench-repo

but when i used command bench init frappe-bench && cd frappe-bench
i got an error Directory frappe-bench already exists!

Please add a little check that the install script should do:

If there is something running on port 80 (it could easily be detected by a “netstat -ln | grep ':80 ’ | grep ‘LISTEN’”), then install script should abort and advise to a command line parameter for install script to change the erpnext/nginx port.

For me there was an apache2 running on the machine so the install script wont be successful.

Thanks for reporting, willdo, stop apache if running · Issue #77 · frappe/bench · GitHub