Frappe Meetup Dubai (UAE)

Calling all frappe enthusiasts in UAE! I am excited to invite you to a special meetup dedicated to celebrating our love for frappes and brainstorming ways to build a stronger frappe community in the Middle East.

Event Details:
:date: Date: 2nd August 2024
:clock3: Time: 10 AM
:round_pushpin: Location: To be decided collectively by attendees


Networking with fellow frappe lovers
Sharing ideas on enhancing community engagement
Exploring new frappe recipes and trends
This meetup will take place at a public venue to be determined by all participants. Whether you’re a seasoned frappe aficionado or just curious about joining the community, this meetup is for you! Come prepared to share your passion for frappes and connect with like-minded individuals.

Let’s sip, chat, and brew up some great ideas together!

For more information please post DM.

See you there!