Frappe School: Learn to manage support tickets on ERPNext

Tickets are broadly classified as issues or requests, given by your internal employees or customers which need to be resolved.

There is always a need for robust software to register, organize, prioritize, and resolve these support tickets. This is one such important area that is automated using #erpnext

Join us to learn the process of how you can manage Support Tickets on ERPNext. This Topic covers the following section:

  1. Create ‘Issue Types’

  2. Create issues or tickets

  3. Capture response and resolution details

  4. Automate issue creation of receipt of emails


You can learn all about Ticket Management and much more in detail about the ‘Customer Support Management’ course at Frappe School. Check out the full course here.

This and all other courses are free!

#erpnext #frappe #frappeframework #frappeschool #learning #customersupport #helpdesk