Please I have an issue currently. My main page page is not displaying after a successful login. And this is because of the javascript error am getting. The javascript files still have jinja 2 tags that were not compiled before being loaded on the page. Here is an error message of what i get once the /desk view page is loaded.
list.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘listing’ of undefined
at list.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:1
form.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘grid_form’ of undefined
at form.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:1
(anonymous) @ form.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:1
control.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘Capture’ of undefined
at control.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:1
(anonymous) @ control.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:1
report.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:4 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Factory’ of undefined
at report.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:4
(anonymous) @ report.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:4
erpnext.min.js?ver=1512836790.0:811 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
I know that this is an issue with the jinja2 template tags but i dont know what to do to get the tags to be compiled successfully. Please help.