Frappe Update [Bug] ==> Date Field


After last update from frappe, if i check date field as mandatory and filled date entry in date field, then it will popup message with date field is mandatory, and after save button, it does not save date field, and date field remains blank.

Please check this issue.

Hardik Gadesha


May I know what is the version of your ERPNext account? In which document are you getting this error message?

Hello @umair

That’s not in ERPNext. That is in my newly designed custom app which designed on frappe.

Hardik Gadesha

I have tried to replicate the issue but this is working fine on my local system. Could you please check this again after updating the bench.


But same thing is working for me in local system, but not worked in production server.

I have the same issue, as described here [v8] Delivery date on sales order mandatory error even if filled · Issue #7859 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

Custom fields are also affected.

That was also affected my reports module. :disappointed:

where i used date picker for generate reports.

Just pushed a fix

Thanks @netchampfaris

It’s Working Fine for me now :slight_smile: