Frappe | Url Publish

In my code i publish one url is working in chrome browser. its not working in mac browser, Edge browser and also in some times is not opening in other machine chrome browser why??

how to solve this issue
My Url: Turiyaforms

in my browser:

  window.csrf_token = "a3d7c58e3890c138a56adadb807db953f2f4a4523f9c88b36fd4e64f";

in my friend machine’s browser:

  window.csrf_token = "None";

I done in react and build using yarn build for some browser it’s getting csrf_token. for some browser its None. how to solve this sir @buildwithhussain

is that data is not coming based on token or any other issues sir??

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Hey :wave:

Might be cache issue, can you clear cache and try again?