Frappe with bench in Oracle Cloud


I’m currently trying to run a erpnext instance via bench on an oracle cloud server. My problem that i’m facing is that the server is only accessible via http://erpnext.localhost:8000 and not via any other ip (even how can i make it so erpnext will run on a public ip so i can actually access the web server via my browser?
Thanks in advance!

In the compute instance details you will need to go into the default vcn security settings and add an ingress rule to allow traffic to your instance. In this case you want to forward on external port to the internal host ip port 8000.

i have already done this it’s more the issue that curl loclahost.erpnext:8000 that i get an actual 200 response from the server but any other ip internally or externally just returns 404 - not found