Frappeclient.submit() returns HTML and not success

Hi guys,

let me know if I set the category wrong here.

First of all, my objective is to write a frappeclient script to create records in ERPNext and submit it by using GitHub - frappe/frappe-client: Python library to use Frappe API

I am able to create records(in my case purchase order). Unfortunately, frappeclient.submit() returns response of some sort of data in HTML and an exception. The newly created records remains the status as it new created which means the frappeclient.submit() is not succeed.

Therefore, I am not sure if I am using the wrong function called to do submit or any wrong to the input.

Sample of the returning HTML

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Error creating Purchase Order: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

My Function definition

def create_purchase_order(supplier):
    tansaction_date = generate_random_date()
    purchase_order = {
        "doctype": "Purchase Order",
        "supplier": supplier["name"],
        "transaction_date": tansaction_date,
        "items": get_item_list(),
        "schedule_date": generate_random_date(tansaction_date)
        response = client.insert(purchase_order)
        print("Purchase Order created successfully:", response["name"])
        getPO = client.get_doc("Purchase Order",response["name"])
        submit_response = client.submit([getPO])
        print("Purchase Order submitted successfully:", submit_response)
        return response["name"]
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error creating Purchase Order: {str(e)}")

        return None