French community

Will it be possible to have a french community category in the discuss forum?
It will the opportunity to speak about French particularities such as:

  • Ticket restaurants
  • Assets depreciations
  • …

Hi @rmehta,

Would it be possible to have something similar to what you have done for the german community (, i.e having a specific french-community (or similar) tag ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help! :slight_smile:

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Thanks to @rmehta for giving me the rights to create this new category.

We can now have discussions in french and tag them with the French Community label

Hi, (french will follow)
Thanks for taking the time to create this category. We really need it to promote this wonderful product to the world.
In addition to that, we may be able to point out bugs or other bizarre things such as weird translations like in this thread:

Thanks again.

Merci d’avoir pris le temps de créer cette catégorie. Nous en avons vraiment besoin pour promouvoir ce merveilleux logiciel.
De plus, nous pourrions facilement mettre en évidence certains comportements anormaux ou erreurs bizarres comme c’est le cad dans cette discussion:

Merci encore.