French translation ERPNext V13


I’m using ERPNext V13 in french and some menu items translation could be more accurate like per example lead is translated in conduite, where client potentiel or prospect will be better

Is there a way to modify the translation?

Kind regards

You can use the Custom Translation menu.
While there you can also submit it to contribute to the repo translation document

I’ve done that, I’m waiting for validation

If you use custom translation, it will immediately available on your system.
The contribute button will include that translation in the repo for the next translation release.

Hi, you can use it by going to https://yourerpnextinstance/desk#List/Translation/List
Unfortunately, sometimes the translation is not replaced by custom translation. I also have “Conduire” in place of “Prospect” or “Client potentiel” after using custom translations (v13beta)

Yes, this translation problem for french or other language are confusing. The documentation said that each month or two weeks translation from are updated into csv file on github but it’s not…
I’ve fix some french translation 2 month ago, and csv file for french translation is not updated into github.

How can we help to boost this process ?