Future cash flow prediction

Hi All

I am trying to achieve this future cash flow report

Future cash flow is to be reported on monthly bases
Incoming cash/bank
I have payment date in my sales invoices

Outgoing cash
Purchase invoice payments
GST Taxes to be paid (GST to be recieved from sales invoices - GST paid to my purchase vendor)
Salary paid

Is this possible to achieve in the first place?
Is this already present in ErpNext?

If its possible, please recemend if anything can be added ore removed from this.


Hi. This is not available as of now. I think what you are seeking is “Funds Flow”. Cash flow is already part of core Yes, it can be created as a report. A client had asked us and we showed a loose demo by creating a report.

We didn’t pursue further as client didn’t close the deal. But yes, it is very much possible.

@Muzzy @ridua

Got any solution for this???