Garment Processing

Hi Rushab,

We are into Garment processing ( Industrial Laundry ) and we are looking at implementing in our factory. The process is as given below:

1) We receive garments from various garment manufacturers ( Our Customers ). These garments comes to us only with a Delivery Challan from the factory. We do not receive a work order as most of the garment factories are not organised. We process the garments in 12 to 24 hours and send it back to the respective factories.

2) We need to inward the garments in the system. The inward DC ( Delivery Challan) some time would have the style numbers ( Item code) and most of the times without style numbers mentioned on the DC.

3) After inward, these garments gets processed and we need to make delivery challan ( Delivery Note) in the system and send it back to the respective factories.

4) We do not invoice the customer for each delivery challan. We only do invoice after one particular style gets completed. This means the invoice is generated against some 10 inward delivery notes and some 12 outward delivery notes. We need to get a simple one page report which would have the details of inwards on the left side and details of the outward on the right side with the reconciliation. This is then gets attached to the invoice and send to the customer.

Please advise how do we configure this as I feel this is the crucial module to get implemented properly before any other module.



Here is my recommendation:

Hi Rushab,

We are into Garment processing ( Industrial Laundry ) and we are looking at implementing in our factory. The process is as given below:

1) We receive garments from various garment manufacturers ( Our Customers ). These garments comes to us only with a Delivery Challan from the factory. We do not receive a work order as most of the garment factories are not organised. We process the garments in 12 to 24 hours and send it back to the respective factories.

2) We need to inward the garments in the system. The inward DC ( Delivery Challan) some time would have the style numbers ( Item code) and most of the times without style numbers mentioned on the DC.

- For your inward DC, you can create a Stock Entry (in Stock module) of type "Material Receipt".
- You will have a create a standard Item Code for non-styled items.
- For each "inward", you can create a Sales Order (of the same qty) to ensure that all quantities are delivered.

3) After inward, these garments gets processed and we need to make delivery challan ( Delivery Note) in the system and send it back to the respective factories.

- This is correct.

4) We do not invoice the customer for each delivery challan. We only do invoice after one particular style gets completed. This means the invoice is generated against some 10 inward delivery notes and some 12 outward delivery notes. We need to get a simple one page report which would have the details of inwards on the left side and details of the outward on the right side with the reconciliation. This is then gets attached to the invoice and send to the customer.

Please advise how do we configure this as I feel this is the crucial module to get implemented properly before any other module.

You do not need any special configuration, your flow should be:


1. Create Items.
2. Create Warehouses (you can also create just one).
3. Create your Customers.


1. Sales Order at time of Inward.
2. Stock Entry at time of Inward (of type Material Receipt).
3. Delivery Note at time of Delivery (against Sales Order so you can keep track of how much is yet to be delivered).
4. Sales Invoice against multiple Delivery Notes. In Sales Invoice, you can select Customer and then Delivery Note and then pull from that Delivery Note - you can do this multiple times.

Hope this was helpful.



Hi Rushabh,

Thanks for the recommendation and we have done the below one complete cycle:

1) Created our customers
2) Created WIP warehouse for each customer
3) Created Item Codes in 2 types

a) Type 1: Item name = Short Form of customer name + Customer Style No ( This option is taken where the customer has provided style no)
b) Type 2: Generic Names like Mens Shirt, Womens Blouses ( This option is taken where the customer does not provide any specific style no)

4) Material Inward : We have done this using Stock - Material Receipt:

a) The customer is sending the goods with their delivery challan. We need to capture this inward delivery challan number as this is required for reconciliation before making invoice. The customer would want this information.Please advise your recommendation for this).

b) Since we are only doing garment processing and not buying the material from the customer, there is no value for the stock. Is it mandatory to capture the item value. Is there a possibility to make it optional.

5) Material Outward:
We have done material outward using material issue

6) Sales Order : We have tried in warding goods with sales order and also without sales order and I hope creating sales orders is not mandatory

7) Inward / Outward reco:
We have used stock ledger and used filters to select one particular customers warehouse and one particular item. By doing this, we are able to get the inwards and outwards against one particular style and as I mentioned earlier this is really very crucial for us.

We have also exported this statement to excel and the details are available. Would it be possible to tweak the report to our requirement. On the material receipt details, we are actually showing our material receipt document number. Instead, we need to show the customer delivery challan number. Also, it would be great if we can tweak the report format and show all inwards on the left sides and all outwards on the left side.

However, this stock register is definitely a useful tool in the whole process

8) Invoicing:
There is a option to pull information from Sales order and also from delivery notes. We might need the below option for our successful implementation.

a) Option to pull data of one particular style instead of delivery notes or sales order. The reason for asking this is that we send multiple despatches for one particular styles. Most of the styles would have 25 to 30 delivery notes. It would be difficult for the accounting person to pull each and every delivery notes to raise one invoice. Please confirm if this is possible.

b) Also while pulling information using current delivery note option. Each and every delivery note details with the quantity would be mentioned in the invoice which is not required as we are attaching a inward outward reco. The option required is that when we select one particular style the system pulls the total quantity of despatch and updates that it one row to proceed with invoicing. Please confirm this is possible.

Please advise your comments on the above queries to proceed further.

I am really excited with the progress that we are able to make with this in just one week ( Self implementation). erpnext team has really done a wonderful job and keep it up !!!!!

Thanks & Regards,

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Rushabh Mehta <> wrote:

Here is my recommendation:

Hi Rushab,

We are into Garment processing ( Industrial Laundry ) and we are looking at implementing in our factory. The process is as given below:

1) We receive garments from various garment manufacturers ( Our Customers ). These garments comes to us only with a Delivery Challan from the factory. We do not receive a work order as most of the garment factories are not organised. We process the garments in 12 to 24 hours and send it back to the respective factories.

2) We need to inward the garments in the system. The inward DC ( Delivery Challan) some time would have the style numbers ( Item code) and most of the times without style numbers mentioned on the DC.

- For your inward DC, you can create a Stock Entry (in Stock module) of type "Material Receipt".
- You will have a create a standard Item Code for non-styled items.
- For each "inward", you can create a Sales Order (of the same qty) to ensure that all quantities are delivered.

3) After inward, these garments gets processed and we need to make delivery challan ( Delivery Note) in the system and send it back to the respective factories.

- This is correct.

4) We do not invoice the customer for each delivery challan. We only do invoice after one particular style gets completed. This means the invoice is generated against some 10 inward delivery notes and some 12 outward delivery notes. We need to get a simple one page report which would have the details of inwards on the left side and details of the outward on the right side with the reconciliation. This is then gets attached to the invoice and send to the customer.

Please advise how do we configure this as I feel this is the crucial module to get implemented properly before any other module.

You do not need any special configuration, your flow should be:


1. Create Items.
2. Create Warehouses (you can also create just one).
3. Create your Customers.


1. Sales Order at time of Inward.
2. Stock Entry at time of Inward (of type Material Receipt).
3. Delivery Note at time of Delivery (against Sales Order so you can keep track of how much is yet to be delivered).
4. Sales Invoice against multiple Delivery Notes. In Sales Invoice, you can select Customer and then Delivery Note and then pull from that Delivery Note - you can do this multiple times.

Hope this was helpful.




Great job on trying so far. Replies below - I think with a few more tweaks you should be set:

On 17-Jan-2013, at 7:02 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:

Hi Rushabh,

Thanks for the recommendation and we have done the below one complete cycle:

1) Created our customers
2) Created WIP warehouse for each customer
3) Created Item Codes in 2 types

a) Type 1:  Item name = Short Form of customer name + Customer Style No ( This option is taken where the customer has provided style no)
b) Type 2: Generic Names like Mens Shirt, Womens Blouses ( This option is taken where the customer does not provide any specific style no)

4) Material Inward : We have done this using Stock - Material Receipt:

a) The customer is sending the goods with their delivery challan. We need to capture this inward delivery challan number as this is required for reconciliation before making invoice. The customer would want this information.Please advise your recommendation for this).

You can add a custom field for this.

b) Since we are only doing garment processing and not buying the material from the customer, there is no value for the stock. Is it mandatory to capture the item value. Is there a possibility to make it optional.

You can keep the stock value as 1 - I am not sure about 0 value - will have to check.

5) Material Outward:
We have done material outward using material issue

6) Sales Order : We have tried in warding goods with sales order and also without sales order and I hope creating sales orders is not mandatory

You can skip Sales Order - depends on how you want to track deliveries. If you are doing multiple deliveries, you should ideally do a Sales Order, but not necessary.

7) Inward / Outward reco:
We have used stock ledger and used filters to select one particular customers warehouse and one particular item. By doing this, we are able to get the inwards and outwards against one particular style and as I mentioned earlier this is really very crucial for us. 

We have also exported this statement to excel and the details are available. Would it be possible to tweak the report to our requirement. On the material receipt details, we are actually showing our material receipt document number. Instead, we need to show the customer delivery challan number. Also, it would be great if we can tweak the report format and show all inwards on the left sides and all outwards on the left side.

However, this stock register is definitely a useful tool in the whole process

8) Invoicing:
There is a option to pull information from Sales order and also from delivery notes. We might need the below option for our successful implementation.

a) Option to pull data of one particular style instead of delivery notes or sales order. The reason for asking this is that we send multiple despatches for one particular styles. Most of the styles would have 25 to 30 delivery notes. It would be difficult for the accounting person to pull each and every delivery notes to raise one invoice. Please confirm if this is possible.

If you have 25-30 Delivery Notes, you can just see make a total and make one entry in the Invoice. You can make a standard report that you can filter by style & customer and get the total quantity delivered.

Changing the standard flow in the system is very difficult.

b) Also while pulling information using current delivery note option. Each and every delivery note details with the quantity would be mentioned in the invoice which is not required as we are attaching a inward outward reco. The option required is that when we select one particular style the system pulls the total quantity of despatch and updates that it one row to proceed with invoicing. Please confirm this is possible.

Makes even more sense not to link deliveries to Invoices. What you need to do is just make one entry in the Invoice.

Another solution is to go back to the Sales Order, so you can track your billing. Some times out of the box thinking can really make things easier. Sales Order will also help you plan your capacity much better. If you are not sure of quantities, you can start by making guesses and then get smarter. In summary:

1. Track Billing Against Sales Order - you are offering a service and the material management is not really linked as you said.
2. Track Deliveries against Warehouse (per customer).


Please advise your comments on the above queries to proceed further.

I am really excited with the progress that we are able to make with this in just one week ( Self implementation). erpnext team has really done a wonderful job and keep it up !!!!!

Thanks for your encouragement and good luck for further implementation.

Thanks & Regards,

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Rushabh Mehta <> wrote:

Here is my recommendation:

Hi Rushab,

We are into Garment processing ( Industrial Laundry ) and we are looking at implementing in our factory. The process is as given below:

1) We receive garments from various garment manufacturers ( Our Customers ). These garments comes to us only with a Delivery Challan from the factory. We do not receive a work order as most of the garment factories are not organised. We process the garments in 12 to 24 hours and send it back to the respective factories.

2) We need to inward the garments in the system. The inward DC ( Delivery Challan) some time would have the style numbers ( Item code) and most of the times without style numbers mentioned on the DC.

- For your inward DC, you can create a Stock Entry (in Stock module) of type "Material Receipt".
- You will have a create a standard Item Code for non-styled items.
- For each "inward", you can create a Sales Order (of the same qty) to ensure that all quantities are delivered.

3) After inward, these garments gets processed and we need to make delivery challan ( Delivery Note) in the system and send it back to the respective factories.

- This is correct.

4) We do not invoice the customer for each delivery challan. We only do invoice after one particular style gets completed. This means the invoice is generated against some 10 inward delivery notes and some 12 outward delivery notes. We need to get a simple one page report which would have the details of inwards on the left side and details of the outward on the right side with the reconciliation. This is then gets attached to the invoice and send to the customer.

Please advise how do we configure this as I feel this is the crucial module to get implemented properly before any other module.

You do not need any special configuration, your flow should be:


1. Create Items.
2. Create Warehouses (you can also create just one).
3. Create your Customers.


1. Sales Order at time of Inward.
2. Stock Entry at time of Inward (of type Material Receipt).
3. Delivery Note at time of Delivery (against Sales Order so you can keep track of how much is yet to be delivered).
4. Sales Invoice against multiple Delivery Notes. In Sales Invoice, you can select Customer and then Delivery Note and then pull from that Delivery Note - you can do this multiple times.

Hope this was helpful.



Hi Rushab,

Sub : Garment Processing

With reference to our few discussions in implementing erpNext in our Garment Processing Industry, we have few requirements before going live

a) Material Inward :
We are in-warding goods using stock>Material Receipt and have created custom field "Party DC No" as per your suggestion to capture Part Delivery Challan number and this is working.

b) Material Outward:
While out-warding the goods after processing, we are making delivery challan using delivery note option.

Our requirement here is as given below:

Customer is sending goods every day in different times with their own delivery challan numbers. It is mandatory for us to mention the customer inward DC number in our outward delivery note. It is also mandatory for us to mention against which inward are we sending the outward. Therefore, while making delivery note, after entering item code, we would need a pop up with list of inward delivery notes ( only for which the outward pending). We then select the required inward delivery note and proceed with outward delivery note.

Please advise your comments to get this incorporated so that we can go live as soon as possible.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 4:57 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

We are into Garment processing ( Industrial Laundry ) and we are looking at implementing in our factory. The process is as given below:

1) We receive garments from various garment manufacturers ( Our Customers ). These garments comes to us only with a Delivery Challan from the factory. We do not receive a work order as most of the garment factories are not organised. We process the garments in 12 to 24 hours and send it back to the respective factories.

2) We need to inward the garments in the system. The inward DC ( Delivery Challan) some time would have the style numbers ( Item code) and most of the times without style numbers mentioned on the DC.

3) After inward, these garments gets processed and we need to make delivery challan ( Delivery Note) in the system and send it back to the respective factories.

4) We do not invoice the customer for each delivery challan. We only do invoice after one particular style gets completed. This means the invoice is generated against some 10 inward delivery notes and some 12 outward delivery notes. We need to get a simple one page report which would have the details of inwards on the left side and details of the outward on the right side with the reconciliation. This is then gets attached to the invoice and send to the customer.

Please advise how do we configure this as I feel this is the crucial module to get implemented properly before any other module.


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Do you need this Item wise or there will be one "outward" Stock Entry against one "inward" Delivery Note?

- Rushabh

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:10 AM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

Sub : Garment Processing

With reference to our few discussions in implementing erpNext in our Garment Processing Industry, we have few requirements before going live

a) Material Inward :
We are in-warding goods using stock>Material Receipt and have created custom field "Party DC No" as per your suggestion to capture Part Delivery Challan number and this is working.

b) Material Outward:
While out-warding the goods after processing, we are making delivery challan using delivery note option.

Our requirement here is as given below:

Customer is sending goods every day in different times with their own delivery challan numbers. It is mandatory for us to mention the customer inward DC number in our outward delivery note. It is also mandatory for us to mention against which inward are we sending the outward. Therefore, while making delivery note, after entering item code, we would need a pop up with list of inward delivery notes ( only for which the outward pending). We then select the required inward delivery note and proceed with outward delivery note.

Please advise your comments to get this incorporated so that we can go live as soon as possible.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 4:57 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

We are into Garment processing ( Industrial Laundry ) and we are looking at implementing in our factory. The process is as given below:

1) We receive garments from various garment manufacturers ( Our Customers ). These garments comes to us only with a Delivery Challan from the factory. We do not receive a work order as most of the garment factories are not organised. We process the garments in 12 to 24 hours and send it back to the respective factories.

2) We need to inward the garments in the system. The inward DC ( Delivery Challan) some time would have the style numbers ( Item code) and most of the times without style numbers mentioned on the DC.

3) After inward, these garments gets processed and we need to make delivery challan ( Delivery Note) in the system and send it back to the respective factories.

4) We do not invoice the customer for each delivery challan. We only do invoice after one particular style gets completed. This means the invoice is generated against some 10 inward delivery notes and some 12 outward delivery notes. We need to get a simple one page report which would have the details of inwards on the left side and details of the outward on the right side with the reconciliation. This is then gets attached to the invoice and send to the customer.

Please advise how do we configure this as I feel this is the crucial module to get implemented properly before any other module.


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Hi Rushab,

We need this item wise.
There is a possibility that we make one outward document against multiple inward documents for one particular style.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Rushabh Mehta <> wrote:

Do you need this Item wise or there will be one "outward" Stock Entry against one "inward" Delivery Note?

- Rushabh

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:10 AM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

Sub : Garment Processing

With reference to our few discussions in implementing erpNext in our Garment Processing Industry, we have few requirements before going live

a) Material Inward :
We are in-warding goods using stock>Material Receipt and have created custom field "Party DC No" as per your suggestion to capture Part Delivery Challan number and this is working.

b) Material Outward:
While out-warding the goods after processing, we are making delivery challan using delivery note option.

Our requirement here is as given below:

Customer is sending goods every day in different times with their own delivery challan numbers. It is mandatory for us to mention the customer inward DC number in our outward delivery note. It is also mandatory for us to mention against which inward are we sending the outward. Therefore, while making delivery note, after entering item code, we would need a pop up with list of inward delivery notes ( only for which the outward pending). We then select the required inward delivery note and proceed with outward delivery note.

Please advise your comments to get this incorporated so that we can go live as soon as possible.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 4:57 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

We are into Garment processing ( Industrial Laundry ) and we are looking at implementing in our factory. The process is as given below:

1) We receive garments from various garment manufacturers ( Our Customers ). These garments comes to us only with a Delivery Challan from the factory. We do not receive a work order as most of the garment factories are not organised. We process the garments in 12 to 24 hours and send it back to the respective factories.

2) We need to inward the garments in the system. The inward DC ( Delivery Challan) some time would have the style numbers ( Item code) and most of the times without style numbers mentioned on the DC.

3) After inward, these garments gets processed and we need to make delivery challan ( Delivery Note) in the system and send it back to the respective factories.

4) We do not invoice the customer for each delivery challan. We only do invoice after one particular style gets completed. This means the invoice is generated against some 10 inward delivery notes and some 12 outward delivery notes. We need to get a simple one page report which would have the details of inwards on the left side and details of the outward on the right side with the reconciliation. This is then gets attached to the invoice and send to the customer.

Please advise how do we configure this as I feel this is the crucial module to get implemented properly before any other module.


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Easiest way to do this is to create a Sales Order along with Stock Entry for each Inward. The status tracking system is already built for Sales Order to track Delivery Notes. Sales Orders and Delivery Notes have a many-to-many link anyways.

A small customization that can be done is creating a Mapper from Sales Order to Stock Entry so that you don't have to re-enter the inward information.

The customization involves creating:

1. DocType Mapper for Sales Order and Stock Entry
2. Custom Script - to add a "Make Stock Entry" button and create a new Stock Entry from the Items of the Sales Order.


T: @rushabh_mehta

On 31-Jan-2013, at 12:43 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:

Hi Rushab,

We need this item wise. 
There is a possibility that we make one outward document against multiple inward documents for one particular style.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Rushabh Mehta <> wrote:

Do you need this Item wise or there will be one "outward" Stock Entry against one "inward" Delivery Note?

- Rushabh

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:10 AM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

Sub : Garment Processing

With reference to our few discussions in implementing erpNext in our Garment Processing Industry, we have few requirements before going live

a) Material Inward :
We are in-warding goods using stock>Material Receipt and have created custom field "Party DC No" as per your suggestion to capture Part Delivery Challan number and this is working.

b) Material Outward:
While out-warding the goods after processing, we are making delivery challan using delivery note option. 

Our requirement here is as given below:

Customer is sending goods every day in different times with their own delivery challan numbers. It is mandatory for us to mention the customer inward DC number in our outward delivery note. It is also mandatory for us to mention against which inward are we sending the outward. Therefore, while making delivery note, after entering item code, we would need a pop up with list of inward delivery notes ( only for which the outward pending). We then select the required inward delivery note and proceed with outward delivery note.

Please advise your comments to get this incorporated so that we can go live as soon as possible.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 4:57 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

We are into Garment processing ( Industrial Laundry ) and we are looking at implementing in our factory. The process is as given below:

1) We receive garments from various garment manufacturers ( Our Customers ). These garments comes to us only with a Delivery Challan from the factory. We do not receive a work order as most of the garment factories are not organised. We process the garments in 12 to 24 hours and send it back to the respective factories.

2) We need to inward the garments in the system. The inward DC ( Delivery Challan) some time would have the style numbers ( Item code) and most of the times without style numbers mentioned on the DC.

3) After inward, these garments gets processed and we need to make delivery challan ( Delivery Note) in the system and send it back to the respective factories.

4) We do not invoice the customer for each delivery challan. We only do invoice after one particular style gets completed. This means the invoice is generated against some 10 inward delivery notes and some 12 outward delivery notes. We need to get a simple one page report which would have the details of inwards on the left side and details of the outward on the right side with the reconciliation. This is then gets attached to the invoice and send to the customer.

Please advise how do we configure this as I feel this is the crucial module to get implemented properly before any other module.


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As explained in my very first mail, creating sales order is not possible.
If this is mandatory for tracking, then we should look at the system creating automatic sales order for each inward entry stock. Please confirm if this is possible.

Also advise the possibility of achieving our requirement with minimal customization without sale order entry.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Rushabh Mehta <> wrote:

Easiest way to do this is to create a Sales Order along with Stock Entry for each Inward. The status tracking system is already built for Sales Order to track Delivery Notes. Sales Orders and Delivery Notes have a many-to-many link anyways.

A small customization that can be done is creating a Mapper from Sales Order to Stock Entry so that you don't have to re-enter the inward information.

The customization involves creating:

1. DocType Mapper for Sales Order and Stock Entry
2. Custom Script - to add a "Make Stock Entry" button and create a new Stock Entry from the Items of the Sales Order.


T: @rushabh_mehta

On 31-Jan-2013, at 12:43 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:

Hi Rushab,

We need this item wise.
There is a possibility that we make one outward document against multiple inward documents for one particular style.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Rushabh Mehta <> wrote:

Do you need this Item wise or there will be one "outward" Stock Entry against one "inward" Delivery Note?

- Rushabh

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:10 AM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

Sub : Garment Processing

With reference to our few discussions in implementing erpNext in our Garment Processing Industry, we have few requirements before going live

a) Material Inward :
We are in-warding goods using stock>Material Receipt and have created custom field "Party DC No" as per your suggestion to capture Part Delivery Challan number and this is working.

b) Material Outward:
While out-warding the goods after processing, we are making delivery challan using delivery note option.

Our requirement here is as given below:

Customer is sending goods every day in different times with their own delivery challan numbers. It is mandatory for us to mention the customer inward DC number in our outward delivery note. It is also mandatory for us to mention against which inward are we sending the outward. Therefore, while making delivery note, after entering item code, we would need a pop up with list of inward delivery notes ( only for which the outward pending). We then select the required inward delivery note and proceed with outward delivery note.

Please advise your comments to get this incorporated so that we can go live as soon as possible.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 4:57 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

We are into Garment processing ( Industrial Laundry ) and we are looking at implementing in our factory. The process is as given below:

1) We receive garments from various garment manufacturers ( Our Customers ). These garments comes to us only with a Delivery Challan from the factory. We do not receive a work order as most of the garment factories are not organised. We process the garments in 12 to 24 hours and send it back to the respective factories.

2) We need to inward the garments in the system. The inward DC ( Delivery Challan) some time would have the style numbers ( Item code) and most of the times without style numbers mentioned on the DC.

3) After inward, these garments gets processed and we need to make delivery challan ( Delivery Note) in the system and send it back to the respective factories.

4) We do not invoice the customer for each delivery challan. We only do invoice after one particular style gets completed. This means the invoice is generated against some 10 inward delivery notes and some 12 outward delivery notes. We need to get a simple one page report which would have the details of inwards on the left side and details of the outward on the right side with the reconciliation. This is then gets attached to the invoice and send to the customer.

Please advise how do we configure this as I feel this is the crucial module to get implemented properly before any other module.


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There is no difference between creating an Inward Entry or a Sales Order if the effort is the same.

I can't think of a solution without Sales Order. You might want to step back can question your assumption about Sales Order. The way ERPNext is designed, Sales Order is really at the heart of the process.

I would suggest, why don't you try out a few cycles and test your assumption.


T: @rushabh_mehta

On 31-Jan-2013, at 1:03 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:


As explained in my very first mail, creating sales order is not possible. 
If this is mandatory for tracking, then we should look at the system creating automatic sales order for each inward entry stock. Please confirm if this is possible.

Also advise the possibility of achieving our requirement with minimal customization without sale order entry. 


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Rushabh Mehta <> wrote:

Easiest way to do this is to create a Sales Order along with Stock Entry for each Inward. The status tracking system is already built for Sales Order to track Delivery Notes. Sales Orders and Delivery Notes have a many-to-many link anyways.

A small customization that can be done is creating a Mapper from Sales Order to Stock Entry so that you don't have to re-enter the inward information.

The customization involves creating:

1. DocType Mapper for Sales Order and Stock Entry
2. Custom Script - to add a "Make Stock Entry" button and create a new Stock Entry from the Items of the Sales Order.


T: @rushabh_mehta

On 31-Jan-2013, at 12:43 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:

Hi Rushab,

We need this item wise. 
There is a possibility that we make one outward document against multiple inward documents for one particular style.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Rushabh Mehta <> wrote:

Do you need this Item wise or there will be one "outward" Stock Entry against one "inward" Delivery Note?

- Rushabh

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:10 AM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

Sub : Garment Processing

With reference to our few discussions in implementing erpNext in our Garment Processing Industry, we have few requirements before going live

a) Material Inward :
We are in-warding goods using stock>Material Receipt and have created custom field "Party DC No" as per your suggestion to capture Part Delivery Challan number and this is working.

b) Material Outward:
While out-warding the goods after processing, we are making delivery challan using delivery note option. 

Our requirement here is as given below:

Customer is sending goods every day in different times with their own delivery challan numbers. It is mandatory for us to mention the customer inward DC number in our outward delivery note. It is also mandatory for us to mention against which inward are we sending the outward. Therefore, while making delivery note, after entering item code, we would need a pop up with list of inward delivery notes ( only for which the outward pending). We then select the required inward delivery note and proceed with outward delivery note.

Please advise your comments to get this incorporated so that we can go live as soon as possible.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 4:57 PM, S Kannan <> wrote:
Hi Rushab,

We are into Garment processing ( Industrial Laundry ) and we are looking at implementing in our factory. The process is as given below:

1) We receive garments from various garment manufacturers ( Our Customers ). These garments comes to us only with a Delivery Challan from the factory. We do not receive a work order as most of the garment factories are not organised. We process the garments in 12 to 24 hours and send it back to the respective factories.

2) We need to inward the garments in the system. The inward DC ( Delivery Challan) some time would have the style numbers ( Item code) and most of the times without style numbers mentioned on the DC.

3) After inward, these garments gets processed and we need to make delivery challan ( Delivery Note) in the system and send it back to the respective factories.

4) We do not invoice the customer for each delivery challan. We only do invoice after one particular style gets completed. This means the invoice is generated against some 10 inward delivery notes and some 12 outward delivery notes. We need to get a simple one page report which would have the details of inwards on the left side and details of the outward on the right side with the reconciliation. This is then gets attached to the invoice and send to the customer.

Please advise how do we configure this as I feel this is the crucial module to get implemented properly before any other module.


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