Generate salary from mid of one month to mid of next month

Is it possible to generate salary from 10th of previous month to 9th of current month based on Leave.


While Generating payroll you can use start date as 10 and end date as 9. It will calculate accordingly.

I tried to implement salary from 24th to 23rd. Also set the payroll period from 24th April 2023 to 23rd March 2024. For the Salary calculation there is no problem. But I am not getting the Income Tax calculation as expected. The cumulative CTC which gets calculated for 12 months comes around Expected CTC + 12 Days CTC.
Please Let me know If I am missing something or the ERPNEXT cannot handle it yet.

If you want close the accounting year the you have to run the payroll for last 12 days at the completion of financial year .