German Chart of Accounts SKR03 SKR04

@info You are right, Aktiva and Passiva is not needed. You can delete those entries and use different account classes as roots.

We did not included codes in this version, because of different logic for numbering in each country. May be we can add this in future version. Because logic is needed when users add new accounts into their charts-of-accounts later.

OK, the codes are usually included in the description of the account also.

We can help you conceptually, the problem is that our accounting expert is not technical. Is it possible to send you a listing in a text file or spreadsheet? I think we would have to make use of the 3 levels: root, account and group.

It will be best if you can make it in json file, that will give a nice tree view of the chart. Otherwise, make it in spreadsheet, with 4 cols: account, parent account, root type, account type and group or ledger. You need to mention “Group or Ledger”, if the account is a group but does not have any children.

… following the discussion: Is there any news regarding German Chart of Accounts? Are there any implementations available yet?

@korbi Not yet…


Is there any idea, when the SKR03 will be available?

Also important is including the Account Number into the name of the Account, because syncing with an external Accounting system most companies are already using is nearly impossible. And in most cases the external accounting software is hard set, because this software fullfills all compliance in the specific country.
I know, that including the Number at the beginning of the Account name is a dirty workaround. This information should reside in a separate field.

As stated above, the Account Number should be included as separate field in Account DocType. Because nearly every commercial system on this planet is workling with Account Number and Account Text.

Hi there,

What about the SKR03: erpnext/de_l10n_de_chart_template.json at develop · frappe/erpnext · GitHub and SKR04: templates?

Can these be imported into ERPNext currently or not yet? What needs to happen in order for these CoA to be importable?



Just to inform interested user: We are currently working at a shortened (but approved) release of the german SKR03 and preparing the Chart of Accounts (named SKR03-MINI). I will post the link to our GitHub repo when available, approx within next 14 days.


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We have created the initial GitHub repository at:


Good work, can easily be used in other EU countries (like NL)

Hi, In NL “kruisposten” are used.In German “das transitorische Interimskonto”. Do not find this in yr CoC.

Hi, when done, I will upload our working XLS Sheet where we marked the accounts for the SKR03-MINI chart. So anybody may post some additional accounts maybe interesting to append. Please remember: our target is to define as many accounts as senseful but as less accounts as possible.


Now you can contribute the chart of accounts for your country via Contribute Chart of Accounts for your country

I will try to prepare the SKR03MINI there once ready.

@nabinhait @rmehta Offtopic: May I upload the JSON source to the contribution page or do I have to build it via builder interface manually?

Hi Robert, please have a look at the official documents about SKR03 from DATEV - I couln’t locate your referenced field anywhere.


@TomFreudenberg If you already made the SKR03 in json you can send a PR for that or mail the file directly to us at

Hi Tomdownedskr03…umhimmelswilletoo much for a nonspecialist. Anyway let me explain why a kreuzrechnung is used.’
Book from bank account A to B with say aone week tranfert delay.
During this period the funds are parked in the temporary account “kruisrekening”

Hello Tom,
I liked to get you SKR03 Mini from Github. But the json is empty.
I failed to import the “standard” skr03 with error message
“Root-Typ ist zwingend erforderlich”.
Can you help me? Is the SKR03 available somewhere
Thank you :wink:

@TomFreudenberg Is there any update from you about the #SKR03 or Mini version?

I created two pull requests for CoA “SKR03”:

Please upvote the one you like more and leave a comment why.