Get item from Sales invoice

Dear ERP next users ,
i want to call some custom fields on sales invoice like(sales invoice No,FS no and others) to Delivery note using GET ITEM FROM SALES INVOICE or from sales Invoice MAKE DELIVERY but the system didn’t bring the custom fields,so how can i include my custom fields to get from one document to the other?


Keep the field name of custom fields same in both Sales Invoice and Delivery Note, It will fetch the values of custom fields automatically

Thanks, Makarand

@makarand_b thanks for your replay
but i have make it the same but its not coming
i create a custom field on sales invoice named invoice no and create the same field on delivery note but its not coming when i register it on sales invoice and go to delivery note .thanks

That is strange. Can you share screenshot of custom field in both the doctype and also are other fields being populated?