Get Items from Material Transfer (not in transit)

At our company, we run three stock entries when receiving goods:

  1. We pickup the goods from our supplier’s facility (In Purchase Receipt the accepted warehouse = a transit warehouse);
  2. We transfer the goods from the transit warehouse to a receiving warehouse at our facility; and
  3. We process a putaway process to route the Items into various bins.

In order to process the putaway (#3), we need to get the items that were previously transferred to the receiving warehouse. In the Stock Entry doctype, I don’t see an option to Get Items in this way. It seems that this is only possible to pull material transfers that were made with transit warehouses only. Is there a specific reason why we can’t look up other material transfers?

What’s strange is that the Get Items pop-up seems to have the UI prepared to locate other Stock Entries (see the below screenshot), but yet nothing else comes up.

Any help here? I would really appreciate it!

Only Material Transfer entry will show.

Thanks for your response. This brings up two questions:

  1. Why is there a dropdown to select other Stock Entry types if only Material Transfers will show?
  2. The Material Transfers that will show are limited to those transfers that were sent to a Transit Warehouse, correct? Why is it limited in this manner?