Getting 404 with same exact Get request after 200

Hi Community!

I’d like to request your help on something I’m facing while testing HTTP GET requests on any DocType API endpoint (e.g. /api/resource/Account) with Postman. Beforehand, I make sure to authenticate via /api/method/login and to get a session id, which works fine.

The first time I try I usually get 200 Ok, but if I try to exact same request a second time, I always get 404 with the main page in the body. The only way to succeed again with 200 is to login again and get a new session id.

How can I reuse the same request so that I don’t need to login every time I hit one of these endpoints?

Thank you in advance for any light you can shed on this!

For more info, these are headers from my request/responses (just hidding tokens):

==== First time (200):
---- Request ----
Authorization: token ************************************
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.24.1
Accept: /
Postman-Token: a795dc49-c41d-4ebd-b762-7368f3ccf3fb
Host: localhost:8000
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: system_user=yes; user_image=; full_name=Administrator; user_id=Administrator; sid=3d9b714f2c0bc7a14b6c4fdfe87a1784083d45db8578f39a302bde0f

---- Response ----
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 824
Set-Cookie: sid=3d9b714f2c0bc7a14b6c4fdfe87a1784083d45db8578f39a302bde0f; Expires=Tue, 19-May-2020 22:20:43 GMT; Path=/
Set-Cookie: system_user=yes; Path=/
Set-Cookie: full_name=Administrator; Path=/
Set-Cookie: user_id=Administrator; Path=/
Set-Cookie: user_image=; Path=/
Server: Werkzeug/0.16.1 Python/3.6.9
Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 22:20:43 GMT

===== Second time (404)
---- Request ----
Authorization: token ************************************
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.24.1
Accept: /
Host: localhost:8000
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: system_user=yes; user_image=; full_name=Administrator; user_id=Administrator; sid=3d9b714f2c0bc7a14b6c4fdfe87a1784083d45db8578f39a302bde0f

---- Response ----
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 6078
X-Page-Name: message
X-From-Cache: False
Server: Werkzeug/0.16.1 Python/3.6.9
Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 22:43:12 GMT

did you find a solution ?