Getting error "doesn't have access to these document" for a user of different role

i created a web form and when web form is submitted then a user is created in User doctype,it is working fine when logged in as admin user but when i logged in as a different role then it is giving the error

i want to do this using a different role rather than admin role

@Vinay1 does the system create the user anyways ?

@bahaou no, user is not getting created. the purpose is to register a new user for loyalty program, when the web form is filled then a user should be created in User doctype and the user should be assigned a role but the web form will be filled by someone who is not a registered user so permission to submit the web form is giving to anyone but when form is submitted then user should be created in User doctype, permission for User doctype is giving to only admin user so how can i implement this feature

@Vinay1 try to add ignore_permissions=True inside the insert function