Getting Error if I click on "Mark Attendance" in Shift Type

Hi @ll,
I guess since my last update I’m getting the following error if I click on “Mark Attendance” in Shift Type

AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘date’
Possible source of error: hrms (app)

bench version →
erpnext 15.0.0
frappe 15.1.0
hrms 15.2.0

Does anyone has an idea how to deal with this?

Best regards

Because I didn’t got any feedback I’m guessing it’s a bug … so I opened an “issue” in github->hrms … but there’s nothing happening (I mean no one takes a look or something else") … so my question: Is this the correct way to open an issue there, or do I have to do another thing?

Would be happy to get some Feedback :wink: