I am try to get ListView by FrappeUI. I was copied code from FrappeUI Documentation…
But got this error:
<script setup>
import ListView from './ListView/ListView.vue'
import ListHeader from './ListView/ListHeader.vue'
import ListHeaderItem from './ListView/ListHeaderItem.vue'
import ListRows from './ListView/ListRows.vue'
import ListRow from './ListView/ListRow.vue'
import ListRowItem from './ListView/ListRowItem.vue'
import ListSelectBanner from './ListView/ListSelectBanner.vue'
import FeatherIcon from './FeatherIcon.vue'
import Badge from './Badge.vue'
import Button from './Button.vue'
import Avatar from './Avatar.vue'
import { reactive } from 'vue'
const state = reactive({
selectable: true,
showTooltip: true,
const simple_columns = [
label: 'Name',
key: 'name',
width: 3,
label: 'Email',
key: 'email',
width: '200px',
label: 'Role',
key: 'role',
label: 'Status',
key: 'status',
const simple_rows = [
id: 1,
name: 'John Doe',
email: 'john@doe.com',
status: 'Active',
role: 'Developer',
id: 2,
name: 'Jane Doe',
email: 'jane@doe.com',
status: 'Inactive',
role: 'HR',
const custom_columns = [
label: 'Name',
key: 'name',
width: 3,
icon: 'user',
label: 'Email',
key: 'email',
width: '200px',
icon: 'at-sign',
label: 'Role',
key: 'role',
icon: 'users',
label: 'Status',
key: 'status',
icon: 'check-circle',
const custom_rows = [
id: 1,
name: {
label: 'John Doe',
image: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/499550',
email: 'john@doe.com',
status: {
label: 'Active',
bg_color: 'bg-green-600',
role: {
label: 'Developer',
color: 'green',
id: 2,
name: {
label: 'Jane Doe',
image: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/499120',
email: 'jane@doe.com',
status: {
label: 'Inactive',
bg_color: 'bg-red-600',
role: {
label: 'HR',
color: 'red',
<Story :layout="{ type: 'grid', width: '95%' }">
<Variant title="Simple List">
<ListView class="h-[250px]" :columns="simple_columns" :rows="simple_rows" :options="{
getRowRoute: (row) => ({ name: 'User', params: { userId: row.id } }),
selectable: state.selectable,
showTooltip: state.showTooltip,
}" row-key="id" />
<Variant title="Custom List">
<ListView class="h-[250px]" :columns="custom_columns" :rows="custom_rows" :options="{
onRowClick: (row) => console.log(row),
selectable: state.selectable,
showTooltip: state.showTooltip,
}" row-key="id">
<ListHeaderItem v-for="column in custom_columns" :key="column.key" :item="column">
<template #prefix="{ item }">
<FeatherIcon :name="item.icon" class="h-4 w-4" />
<ListRow v-for="row in custom_rows" :key="row.id" v-slot="{ column, item }" :row="row">
<ListRowItem :item="item" :align="column.align">
<template #prefix>
<div v-if="column.key == 'status'" class="h-3 w-3 rounded-full" :class="item.bg_color" />
<Avatar v-if="column.key == 'name'" :shape="'circle'" :image="item.image" size="sm" />
<Badge v-if="column.key == 'role'" variant="subtle" :theme="item.color" size="md"
:label="item.label" />
<template #actions="{ unselectAll }">
<div class="flex gap-2">
<Button variant="ghost" label="Delete" />
<Button variant="ghost" label="Unselect all" @click="unselectAll" />
<template #controls>
<HstCheckbox v-model="state.selectable" title="Selectable" />
<HstCheckbox v-model="state.showTooltip" title="Show tooltip" />
Please help me to solve this problem…