Getting popup message Module HR not found (The resource you are looking for is not available)


I have installed erpnext using docker and installed Frappe HR properly. But after using HR module few times getting below popup message.

Additionally, HR module not showing in about.

But showing in menu option

Hi @ayankar,
For resolving this error, install HRMS app into your instance.

bench get-app hrms
bench --site sitename install-app hrms

This will resolve your issue.

Hi Sahil,

Thank you for your response. I followed the command you provided and ran it multiple times on my instance. However, after using the HRMS module a few times, the result remains unchanged.

If you know of any remedial solutions, please let me know.

You have installed HRMS app or not?

After installing and using the HRMS module a few times, I received the message I posted.

To know the issue, I am facing call me on 7980938247

Go to the Module Def Doctype and Go to HR. Open it and make minor changes and save it, that will resolve your issue.

Please specify what changes need to perform

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did you find solution?

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i solve it by checking if hrms app is in apps.txt file or not so if not just add it manually and then bench migrate and restart the container