Getting this error in my Qatar Company Profit and loss statement Report

in my qatar company the fiscal year is 2024 but here in the start date and end date showing the fiscal year of indian to solve this issue?

Please go to the fiscal year doctype and check the date.

I think, you selected the wrong date, when setup wizard on site.

i have multiple company for separate users ,for this case this error occurs.

Check/give the user permission and set the default company.

As per the image that you provided, I think, the issue is in the fiscal year. please check it.

i have given the userpermission .you can see the fiscal year shows the '2024-2025" when i select the field this got cleared and only the allocated fiscal year that is 2024 is visible when selects the issue resolves.but whenever i open this first i got this error message.

Share your fiscal year date, and screenshot.

and which version do you use?

.i’m using version 14

getting this error for qatar company.qatar company’s fiscal year is 2024.and i’m getting this error from the profit and loss report 's start, end date filter .when i try to change the default fiscal ‘2024-2025’.its not changing thats the issue.for another country’s profit and loss report start and end date filter field default view as 2024-2025 .how to change as company’s fiscal year dynamically?