Getting values from another doctype

I want from_time,to_time,hours of all tasks from timesheet detail(is a child table).I want these values in sprint.js(custom doctype).How it is possible.please help me

sprint.js [ Add this wherever you need the data]{
			method: 'path to your python file along with name of the function [get_details]', // Calling the method written in
			callback: function(r) {
				// r catches the data returned from python side
				for (var i in r.message){
					// Iterate through each data and use it however you wish
		}); [ add it at the end of sprint’s python file]

def get_details():
    tasks = frappe.db.get_all('Task') # fetches all the tasks
    timesheet_detail = []
    for d in tasks:
        # Iterating through each task and getting valus from that tasks Timesheet_Detail
        temp = frappe.db.sql("""select from_time, to_time, hours, task from `tabTimesheet Detail` where task = %(task)s""", {'task':}, as_dict=1)
        if temp:
            # If the task had a timesheet detail associated with it, append it to the array

    return timesheet_detail # returning to the js side

Maybe you can get some ideas from this I hope.

ok thanks for the reply
.How we can pass the start_date,end_date through frappe call .Then we have to update the query{
			method: 'path to your python file along with name of the function [get_details]', // Calling the method written in
			args: {
				start_date: //Whichever variable holds start date
				end_date: //Whichever variable holds end date
			callback: function(r) {
				// r catches the data returned from python side
				for (var i in r.message){
					// Iterate through each data and use it however you wish

You’ll also need to add this two args as parameters in python method to catch them.